Guardian Miruku

Miruku (meaning “milk”) is a domestic shorthair cat that was born in October 2021 to a stray mother and unknown father. She was found in a local backyard with her siblings and mom, and were cared for before being put up for adoption. Miruku is extremely energetic, but she is surprisingly the most calm one of her litter! All of her biological siblings and mother still live locally in the area, with different families.

Miruku’s father was a local cat that belonged to someone in the community, and he was not neutered or kept indoors. Although Miruku’s situation was very fortunate, it is very rare for litters to survive harsh winter conditions, and is an example of why pet cats need to be fixed and kept indoors.

Miruku is the youngest of her siblings, and also the most fierce. Although she loves being pet and cuddled, she will put up a fight to anything she does not like. When she comes across dogs and new kittens, she will slap and hiss if they come too close. She is the guardian of the family, and is very protective of her older brothers and owners.

Although dogs are a big “no” in Miruku’s book, getting to know new kittens is not a problem for her. After slapping them several times, she will start warming up to them and guiding them around the house, occasionally grooming them and letting them sleep on her. She is a protector of her family, and stands up for them immediately when they get into trouble.


Adventurous Albert


Grumpy Matcha